Thursday, December 22, 2011

DB & Lantern LIVE at Glasslands, Brooklyn, NY

Happy Holidays everyone, I'm putting together some FREE downloads over this weekend as a xmas present to all DB fans, so first off the bat we got:

DB & Lantern LIVE at Glasslands

A big thank you to William Chin for recording this bootleg to document this wild one-off idea we came up with 3 days before the actual show. We had a lot of fun that night. Wanna thank Zach and Emily for uploading this on their bandcamp/blog. More info on this collaboration set at zach's blog here: LANTERN BLOG


  1. Resnično cenim to objavo. I've been looking all over for this! Hvala bogu, da sem ga našel na Bingu. Naredili ste mi dan! Še enkrat hvala.
