Saturday, October 15, 2011

Horses - Live at Bios Athens, Greece

This is my favorite version of Horses I've ever played LIVE. Frankie nailed it on the Saxophone, the SAX sounds fucking amazing. Athens is a incredibly romantic city. I dream about the streets and buildings and corners and rooftops there, still. Amazing city with beautiful culture and people. I'm also a fan of rebetika, if you don't know what it is, you should check it out:


  1. this version adds a mystical touch to a yet mystical song! love it

  2. wisp of anonymous resonance the scent of pleasures her face over and over returns my gaze

  3. so glad you came! hope you will come back soon some time! keep playing, keep being ispired, keep doing the things you love! loved your crazy energetic performance! =]

  4. thank you! we had an amazing time in athens. I still dream of the city. can't wait to be back, and hopefully stay longer in athens.

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  6. I'm really digging this live version of horses. I really enjoy the subtle differences between the badlands and Omon ra split versions. I been dissecting your music. Playing the songs backwards, different speeds. Your music is channeling some mystic powers my friend.

  7. This version of Horses is immense.

    I am really liking what I've heard of you playing with more musicians (which isn't much).

    Come back to TO. OR better yet, do a small city tour of Canada... Peterborough and what not.

    Most bands ignore the college towns, but like any locale centered around free-thinking, there are many independent music fans.
