Tuesday, October 26, 2010

El Guincho - Bombay

EL GUINCHO | Bombay from MGdM | Marc Gómez del Moral on Vimeo.

My brain almost exploded while watching this.


  1. Hey Alex,

    Not sure of any other way to get a hold of you, so this'll have to do. I help run the night at the Honey Lounge on Thursdays called Honey Lung, and we'd love to have you play. I heard you were back in Vancouver, so let me know if this isn't true. Looking to book shows for December. Email me here

    expresswaytomyskull (at) hotmail.com

    whenever you get this.


  2. they played golden desert sun in the american apparel at st cat and peel....

    seems like you finally made it bro
